Join Our Sample Maker Team!

Are you passionate about knitting, crocheting, or embroidery? We're on the lookout for enthusiastic makers like you to create samples for us!

Whether you're just starting out or have been crafting for years, we invite all skill levels to apply. No need to be an "expert."

Once onboard, we'll discuss the samples we envision. You get to pick the projects that resonate with you. Prior to beginning, we'll finalize compensation that suits both parties.

Reward for your craft? You'll receive materials equivalent to your project. Craft a shawl with 3 skeins? Take home 3 skeins of your color choice. Embroider with 5 shades? Choose 5 vibrant hand-dyed threads. Alternatively, opt for store credit of the same value.

Interested? Drop your details below. We're eager to connect with you!